Where are We?

Here we were at Sam Houston National Forest in Coldspring TX a few days before we were nicely booted out! Since it is federal land, law enforcement comes through periodically. Although we hadn't seen any yet, they did show up one morning as we were having breakfast. The two officers asked how long we had been there and apparently our almost three weeks exceeded the 14 day limit! They gave us the okay to depart the following day. After we ate, we reluctantly started packing up and headed out the next day. We really enjoyed this spot with the horse activity and pretty surroundings, but, the law told us to git out of Dodge!! We did a few nights of more free camping at a Walmart and a Love's truck stop, a decent experience at both, knowing we'd be heading back to Escapees RV park a couple of days later. We're back at Escapees now and will be here for two weeks until we head to a new-to-us place here in Texas, High Island, located on the Bolivar Peninsula. Situated on the ea...