Technology Stress and The Wander Wagon

This was going to be the "hallejulah we found a home" post, and it will be momentarily, but first let me gripe about my photos. Not too long ago, I purchased a lower end HP Chromebook. In hindsight, I discovered the device lacks some things that I automatically reach for, such as touch screen. D'oh. I really dislike the touch pad, so I bought a mouse. Easy, peasy. And most importantly, a camera. Where is it??!! My biggest challenge has been uploading photos from my mobile to the Chromebook. What I thought would be a simple task has had me totally perplexed. The distraught me. I have spent countless hours trying to figure out why this is an issue, but I won't bore you with the details. Verizon can't figure out it out either. They said "call Hewlett Packer". When I received the Chromebook, I was excited to see a camera lens above the screen! Then confusion set in, as there wasn't a corresponding view finder on the other side. No camera, I guess. Fast...