Curve Balls

Hello dear friends. We have resurfaced. After arriving in Livingston, Texas to the Escapees RV Campground in May, our nomadic lifestyle came to an abrupt halt. My arthritic left knee which has been a literal pain for a couple of years decided to push the pain up to a limit that was getting difficult to tolerate. I couldn't walk very far and overall I felt frustrated. I finally visited an orthopedic surgeon for an exam and on June 24 I had knee replacement surgery. Above our newest rescue Miss Benny keeps me company during recuperation. Another cat, you ask!?! A little bit more about this in a minute 😸! Short story about surgery, I developed a blood clot in my calf and have been on a blood thinner since. I began physical therapy a month after surgery. Usually you start this torture within a few days after surgery. I never got started that soon, and this is admittedly a dropping of the ball by the surgeon's office. PT is not pleasant 😜! My problem, though, is that I ca...