Looking for Spring Migrants


 Greetings from High Island along the Gulf coast in Texas. We arrived to this very small campground Saturday, April 3, set up, and decided to sit out with a cup of coffee until it got too cool. While hanging out, a woman with the local Methodist church came by with lots of leftover desserts from a bbq earlier today and offered them up to us campers. Yay!  We ate chocolate and banana cream pie for a late lunch!

Today, Easter Sunday, we drove over to Boy Scout Woods, a migrant hotspot for the island.  We purchased our patches for entry into the various sanctuaries here. We were told that birding was slow this morning, so we decided to venture off the island for lunch and to bird at Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge. 

Lots of great birds as we drove route 124 to the refuge. Once we arrived to the entrance to Anahuac, we turned the car off, and it wouldn't start again. This has been a frequent problem lately, so we are carrying an extra battery in the truck to charge the battery under the hood as needed.  We stayed inside the refuge for just a short while so we will return another day this week.

From the little bit that we have seen, High Island is kind of run-down. Upon our return from Anahuac, we drove a few blocks down Gulf Way Road (Street?) from our campground to the Gulf, and that beach area was, well, ugly! Big barriers blocked access to the water, so we couldn't dip our toes in. But, to make up for the ugliness, we had some great birds here! Caspian tern, common tern, sandwich tern, laughing gull, ring-billed gull, and herring gull. Plus brown pelican!

I'll post each day to tell you about where we've been and what we have seen. Meanwhile, here's the bird species list for today:
Blue-winged teal
Northern shoveler
Pied-billed grebe
Eurasian collared-dove
American coot
Black-necked stilt
Black-bellied plover
Laughing gull
Ring-billed gull
Herring gull
Caspian tern 
Common tern
Sandwich tern
Brown pelican
Great blue heron
Great egret
Snowy egret
Cattle egret
White-faced ibis
Roseate spoonbill
Black vulture
Turkey vulture
Northern harrier
Swainson's hawk
Belted kingfisher
American kestrel
Eastern phoebe
Tree swallow
Barn swallow
Northern mockingbird
Eastern meadowlark (singing beautifully!)
Red-winged blackbird
Boat-tailed grackle
Great-tailed Grackle
Common yellow-throat
= 36 species

Cattle egret with, yes, cattle! These two birds were among approximately 20.

The yellow is actually a carpet of flowers!

These poppies are everywhere and so pretty!

Red-eared turtle

American alligator, about 6' long

Iconic Texas scenery!

Terns and gulls

Brown pelican

Brown pelican

The Gulf of Mexico

The Gulf

See you back here tomorrow!


  1. Sounds like a good day...well, except for the battery part! Glad you saw lots of birds!

    1. It was a great day and we hope to get back to the refuge again this week...if the truck cooperates!


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