Where's the Birds?
A very un-birdy day.
Around our campsite, grackles, more grackles, and even more grackles! A mockingbird now and again and a Carolina wren late today. Okay, they'll be more birds at Boy Scout Woods. Uh, no.
Michael and I decided to go our own ways and meet up a little later. It's been ages since I had a solitary walk in the woods and i realize how much I have missed that. But, here's what I saw: a black vulture and a turkey vulture. Not one woodland bird!!!
I did see a cardinal at one of the water "drips" set up to attract birds. Apparently, no birds were thirsty today other than that lone cardinal.
We decided to go to the Smith Oaks Sanctuary to walk the canopy boardwalk and also sit and watch the heron rookery. That didn't happen. The truck died again twice as we hobbled our way back to the campground. Michael set up a trickle charger so hopefully we will be able to get around tomorrow. We'll have to get a new battery this week, off the island.
A Houston Audubon staffer turned us on to a website, Birdcast, that forecasts migration activity for the coming days, plus maps that show the flyways and activity expected at each of them. The rating for the next three days' migration activity is low, low, and low. Not to say there won't be a warbler, tanager, or vireo to see. But, no great numbers. So, expectations are low for the week for woodland birds, so we'll be directing ourselves to shorebirds, waterfowl, and hawk locations.
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